I look forward to growing Old and Wise and Audacious.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Women in Politics need $$$$$

I found this email quite interesting as I am one of several directors of the Judy LaMarsh Fund, I don't recall any conference call to plan this event. Oops, this is sponsored by
( not to be confused with the NWLC )
The National Liberal Women's Caucus are pleased to invite you to a Leadership Forum
on August 22 , 2006
at the Hyatt Regency, room Regency E and F
from 1pm to 3 pm
Tickets: 25$
All proceeds will go directly to the Judy LaMarsh Fund
At the debate leadership candidates will answer questions about women's equality, including the economic security of women and the representation of women in elected office.
Please feel free to draft some questions and send them to me. I look forward to hearing from you. Tickets are going quickly so please reserve as soon as possible.
For more info / pour plus d'infos Brigitte Legault Cell:514-743-4156 BB: brigitte@bell.blackberry.net
I am pleased to know that women Liberal's are doing what it takes to use every opportunity to keep the word "Woman" out there and raise some finances for "Woman" seeking/winning nominations. Good on ya, gals.
Please don't make it a debate. use it as a forum and remember just because there are 3 woman candidates don't think they have all the answers. We know that woman have come along way, but not far enough.

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